Naposledy viděn před 7 dny

Fotograf Shahar Vin


Naposledy viděn před 7 dny

Haifa, Izrael PRO

8 lety na MyWed
Hovořím těmito jazyky: angličtina, ruština, hebrejština Haifa, Izrael Shahar Vin +972 50-959-9103


  • Jste fotogeničtí?

    I hate myself in pictures.

  • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

    Totally by chance :)

  • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

    From my p.o.v a very attractive photo is a combination of formatic composition, interesting light and people involved happening.

  • Cestujete rádi?

    I think it is the greatest gift we got, traveling to new places and seeing various people from different cultures.

  • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

    The no' 1 thing that brings me joy is to see people exciting!
    another one- is to find beauty in people and the environment.

  • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

    I think no matter how the technology will improve, the most significant measure of a photographer's professionalism is his p.o.v, creativity and way of thinking.

  • Co je výjimečného na žánru fotografií, na který se specializujete?

    I think its the people's emotions on their most exciting days.

  • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

    It depends, I very appreciate serious criticism from a professional, i love learning! but when it comes to pessimistic, shallow voices that just want to be heard, i smile and move on.

  • Jsou nějaké trendy v oblasti focení?

    Of course, people are different..and we have different opinions and different taste. some prefer fashion style, some prefer documentary...
    The way i like to tell a wedding story is a kind of a combination between documentary and beauty photography.

  • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

    Professionalism and talent are very important! but not less important is to find a kind, flowing and a positive energies person to spend this intensive and loaded with emotions day with.

  • Co není dovoleno při focení?

    For me, unacceptable is to belittle and disparage photographers professional opinion (about location, shooting schedule etc..), since the photographer's opinion stems from experience and for the sake of the newlyweds!

  • Jakých detailů, které obvykle projdou bez povšimnutí, si může fotograf všimnout?

    There are no unnoticed details for a good wedding photographer, we notice everything, because we seeking for details!

  • Co chcete fotit?

    I love to shoot simple, unmasked, true loving couples.

  • S kým byste chtěli fotit?

    I definitely choose Cartier-Bresson!

  • Jaký byl nejpůsobivější okamžik ve vašem životě?

    The most significant moment in my life i think... is when i decided to make people happy, and that what makes me happy!

  • Kdo vás inspiruje ve vašem životě a proč?

    I don't have just one, i'm inspired of any source of wisdom and beauty.

  • Jak byste definovali úspěch? Jak ho měříte?

    For me success is to enjoy the way!

  • Když cestujete, co si berete s sebou a proč?

    This one is the easiest :)) of course the camera! for me, any travel is a story..and the best way to remember it is to tell this story by taking pictures.

  • Jak se vzděláváte, abyste pořidili lepší fotografie?

    I improve my photography skills first of all by being always inspired by other photographers, i love learning and always taking workshops, tutorials and etc'.. there is no limit to improving!

  • Čí práce vás ovlivnila nejvíce jako fotografa?

    There are many modern wedding photographers I really like (Ken Pak, Victor Marty, Jesus Ochoa, Rosita lipari, Mauricio Arias and more..), but the strongest inspiration i got is from Cartier-Bresson.

  • Co vás motivuje v dalším focení?

    that i have the ability to make people laugh, cry and get excited! other's fillings helps me feel.

  • Kdy jste zcela spokojeni s vaší prací?

    I am most of the time satisfied, because i'm trying to do my best every wedding, because for every couple it is one of most important days of life!

  • Získáváte snadno nové přátele?

    I am a very friendly person..i love people.

  • Existuje život po svatbě?

    haha..great! i don't believe in life after kids :))

  • Máte rádi psy a kočky?

    dots! :)

  • Nejlepší věc v životě je:


  • Existuje něco, co byste chtěli změnit?

    It's easier to learn to change yourself!

  • Máte nějaké tipy pro začínající fotografy?

    Always seek! seek for emotions, for aesthetics, for light, colors, for occurrences...

  • Kdyby přišli na naši planetu mimozemšťané a vy byste byli první osobou, se kterou se potkají, co byste jim řekli?

    lets make a selfie! :))

  • Pokud byste měli natočit film, jakého žánru by byl?

    A hard-life realistic drama

  • Zítra půjdu a udělám...

    to keep improving and enjoying every second of life! :)