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Fotograf Juhos Eduard


Sidst online for 6 timer siden

Zalău, Rumænien PRO

9 år på MyWed
Jeg taler engelsk, rumænsk, ungarsk, spansk Zalău, Rumænien Juhos Eduard +40 751 127 511


  • Er du fotogen?

    I don't think so. Every time I'm in front of the camera I make funny faces :D

  • Hvordan blev du en del af fotografiindustrien?

    I got into wedding photography because I like that there is a unique story behind every wedding to capture and tell trough pictures.

  • Hvad er de vigtigste komponenter i et godt billede efter din mening?

    Perseverance and commitment.

  • Elsker du at rejse?

    Yes. A lot.

  • Hvad kan du bedst lide ved dit fag?

    I like that I can be a part of that special day and have the honor to be trusted with capturing those special moments on that special day.
    But the most of all I like that in many cases, along the way friendships are born :)

  • Hvad synes du mindre godt om ved dit fag?

    I really like what I do. No complaints here. Well maybe there are times when a guest stands in front of me with their mobile phone and ruins the shot or the moment. Other than that, nothing really.

  • Hvordan ser fremtiden ud for fotografering?

    I can't really predict the future. Generations change, style changes, gears change. We just will have to learn to adapt :D

  • Hvad er der specielt ved den fotografigenre, du specialiserer dig i?

    Well the answer is in the phrase "wedding photography". A birthday is special and it's celebrated every year. So I guess a wedding is pretty special. And capturing unique and special moments on that special day, makes wedding photography pretty special :D Did I mentioned "special" too much? :D well then you know how special it is ;)

  • Hvordan håndterer du kritik?

    I handle them pretty well. I'm a person who admits if he is wrong or if something could have been done better.

  • Er der nogen tendenser inden for fotografering?

    There a few trends out there. But many of them depend on the photographer's style or on the couples demands.

  • Hvad bør kriterierne være for en kunde, der skal vælge en fotograf?

    The most important of all is, them to like the photographer's style. Don't hire a wedding photographer just because somebody you know, likes the pictures he or she takes. De gustibus non est disputandum.

  • Hvilke detaljer, der som regel går ubemærket hen, vil en fotograf bemærke?

    Angles, lighting,shapes, backgrounds , emotions...

  • Hvad påvirker værdien af et foto? Hvilke elementer indeholder det?

    It's a combination of lighting, angle, shape, background, positioning the subject and all of these spiced with the photographer's style and editing.

  • Hvilken person kan være symbolet på det 21. århundrede efter din mening?

    It would be hard to pick just a person. There are so many out there trying to make the world a better place, so it would be unfair to pick just one.

  • Har du nogen professionelle tabuemner?


  • Hvem ville du gerne fotografere sammen med?

    I am already shooting with the person I like and love the most , my wife ;)

  • Hvis du var en animeret figur, en fiktiv person eller en person i en film, hvem ville du så være, og hvorfor?

    Jack Skellington. As a living skeleton, he is immortal and can remove parts of his body without harm :D

  • Hvem inspirerer dig i dit liv, og hvorfor?

    Inspiration is all around us. We just have to open our eyes.

  • Hvordan definerer du succes? Hvordan måler du det?

    For me success is defined by clients saying that they watched their wedding photos over and over again, several times and still can't get enough.

  • Foretrækker du, at folk kan lide dig, eller at de respekterer dig?


  • Når du skal rejse, hvad tager du så med dig, og hvorfor?

    My camera. Because it's a part of me.

  • Er der noget, du ville ønske, du ikke havde købt blandt de tingester, som du ejer? Hvorfor?

    Not really.

  • Hvordan uddanner du dig selv til at tage bedre billeder?

    Attending photography related workshops.

  • Hvis arbejde har haft størst indflydelse på dig som fotograf?

    There are thousands of talented photographers out there, from whom we can lean so much.

  • Hvad er det eneste, du ville ønske, du vidste, da du begyndte at tage billeder?

    It would have been helpful to test out some lenses before :)

  • Hvad vil du gerne fortælle med dine fotografier?

    I want others to see what i saw in that moment I took that picture.

  • Hvad motiverer dig til at fortsætte med at tage billeder?

    Endless possibilities.

  • Hvis du kunne gå tilbage i tiden, hvad ville du så gøre anderledes?

    I would probably get into wedding photography sooner, than I did.

  • Hvad med liv på andre planeter?

    I'm just a photographer. You are asking the wrong person :D

  • Hvad laver du i din fritid?

    If possible, travel and explore new places. If home, watching movies.

  • Hvilken side af dig viser du aldrig offentligt?

    At weddings, people always say that I'm too serious. I tend to have that face because I'm focusing on my work, I'm in the moment. But in reality I'm a funny guy with vivid imagination.

  • Hvornår er du helt tilfreds med dit arbejde?

    I'm never satisfied. I always think I could have done it better.

  • Har du let ved at få nye venner?


  • Hvor vil du gerne bo?

    Close to the sea or the ocean.

  • Er der liv efter ægteskabet?

    Yes there is.

  • Har du en yndlingsvittighed? Fortæl den til os.

    The quickest way to make money at photography is to sell your camera. :))

  • Kan du lide hunde eller katte?

    Dogs. Unconditional love <3

  • Det bedste ved livet er:

    Being alive, I guess :D

  • Kan du give et par råd til de fotografer, som lige er startet?

    If they really want to do this, they have to commit. They must know their gear, what they want to do with it and do it.

  • Hvis du bliver spurgt, om du vil indspille en film, hvilken genre vil det så være?

    I'm a Tim Burton fan. So ,fingers crossed :D

  • I morgen tager jeg ud og...

    What I do best: shoot and edit ;)