4 hete járt itt

Anne Ling fotós


4 hete járt itt

Helsinki, Finnország 

12 évvel a MyWeden
Beszélem a következő nyelveket: angol, német, orosz
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/O6hOy0Gtgl-4KLEVXhNp_Tg3vlRiBLF9s7TMpZR1-2rTxTuI0iccaOxgqXgzXGCdJPgl8Fyz46gP4sdciEx67w_u9LnBqabrhB-3TT4 Helsinki, Finnország Anne Ling +372 5629 6939


  • Hogyan csöppent a fényképezés világába?

    My way in photography started 10 years ago with editorial and fashion. But I've always admired real people and real emotions much more. So that's how I've started documenting weddings and other important life moments in different countries.

  • Szeret utazni?

    I'm a passionate traveller. I've already been to 39 countries and I'm really happy that my work is international.

  • Mi a különleges abban a fotózási műfajban, amelyik az Ön szakterülete?

    Wedding photography combines documentary and fine art photography. So being a professional in both is crucial.

  • Mitől válik értékessé egy fotó? Mik az elemei?

    Time influences the value of a photo the most. Photos are like good wine – the older the better. While capturing a wedding I always keep in mind that this photos will keep the memories through the years.

  • Van valamilyen szakmai tabuja?

    I never photograph people in embarrassing situation or angle.

  • Kinek a munkája volt a legnagyobb hatással az fotós pályafutására?

    I've studied fine arts since childhood. So all the great painters, photographers, film directors influenced me a lot.

  • Mit kíván fényképeivel közölni?

    That it is much more important to collect feelings not things. Nothing will be more valuable for you through the years than a teardrop on your mother's cheek or a sincere hug of your best friend or a picture of you two standing on the edge of the earth holding hands and looking to each other's eyes.

  • Mi motiválja, hogy tovább fotózzon?

    My clients, of course. When I send them their photos and receive an answer: "We are totally in love with our photos! Thank you so much, Anne!!!"
    In such moments I feel absolutely happy!