
写真家Federica Ariemma氏



ナポリ, イタリア PRO

MyWed 6 年
英語, イタリア語を話すことができます
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0xr_O4mSLjB7KzZhRzrjVZFyW0CnSykQb-gpe3BPhzJxA_BrlB6SAiqUAE8T2Fcv7hgEi6w5QyZRkttsLMlCSK8Vlr5Q40iWJONB2w ナポリ, イタリア Federica Ariemma +39 328 657 4001


  • 最初に - ナポリ, イタリアで最高の写真家として誰の名前を挙げることができますか?:)

    I believe that no one can define himself better than another.
    Preferring a wedding photographer rather than another is a personal choice, it dependeson your photographic tastes.

  • 写真写りは良い方ですか?

    someone says this!

  • どうして写真撮影業界に入ったのですか?

    a friend / colleague of mine asked me to be a second shoter at her wedding, from there I understand I could not live without that adrenaline.

  • 良い写真を撮影するにあたって最も重要な要素とは何であるか、ご意見をお聞かせいただけますでしょうか?

    the emotion, the involvement, the personality of the photographer

  • 旅行が好きですか?

    Travel? is the best thing you can do in your life. It enriches you and fills your soul

  • あなたの職業について一番好きなことは何ですか?

    I'm in love with the adrenaline feels all day.
    I feel so relaxed and peaceful during the wedding day, but it's so restless all around me. I'm crazy about the relastionship with the couple, they become my friends always.

  • あなたの職業について一番嫌いなことは何ですか?

    shot a wedding without love.

  • 未来の写真撮影とはどのようなものでしょうか?

    the pics are the only one memories of a time, and it will be forever

  • 批判に対処するには?

    If constructive, it help to grow and improve. Generally I look for and ask it

  • 写真撮影でトレンドはありますか?

    the wedding photographer defines themself as a reporter, is the latest trend, but not everyone are really a reporter

  • 写真家選択の際に、お客様が基準とすべきことは何ですか?

    The couple should choose a photographer with whom they have empathy, a photographer they appreciate and share the genre and style

  • 撮影の際、絶対に受け入れがたいことは何でしょうか?

    everything is allowed, respecting an important day for the couple and them guests

  • 写真の価値に影響を与えるものとは何でしょうか?その要因は?

    stoytelling is the best value of a photo, the emotion you can feel when you see it

  • どんな人を撮影したいですか?

    At the moment I have photographed everything and everyone I have ever desire

  • もしあなたがアニメ化されるとしたら、文学または映画の登場人物のどちらになりたいですか。またそれは何故ですか?

    I hope to be Harry Potter.
    I would like dress the cloak of invisibility to be able to take pictures without anyone can see me

  • あなたの人生においてインスピレーションの元となるのはどんな人ですか?また、それは何故ですか?

    I find inspiration in everyday gestures, in simple life and in the world around me

  • あなたによって成功とは何でしょうか?また、それをどのように評価していますか?

    feeling free to achieve a set goal, which is the starting point for building success

  • 好かれたり、尊敬されたりするほうですか?

    Love is respect

  • これまで仕事上で犯した最大のミスは何ですか?

    I don't know which I can define my biggest mistake of my working life, but I know I can learn from eachone

  • 旅行に出かける際には何を持っていきますか。また、それは何故ですか?

    I always put in my luggage a small Fuji camera. I never go away without it

  • より良い写真を撮るために、どのように腕を磨いていますか?

    I am self-taught. I have studied from different books, online tutorial and comparing with collegues. Now I spend a lot of my earnings for workshop, I think study help you to improve

  • 自分の写真に対して何かコメントはありますか?

    I think I can say nothing, I want only to show how I see the world

  • 写真撮影を続けさせる動機は何でしょうか?

    I have a 9 years course of study that is not related to photography. I leave it to be able to devote myself to this work that makes me happy every day. I chose the job I love and for me it means not working one day

  • ご両親は多かれ少なかれ、厳しい方だったのではないですか?

    Less, of course. I'm working on myselfs to let me go and leave all the rules my parents give me during my life

  • 過去に戻ることができるとしたら、違ったようにやりたいことはありますか?

    I would have chosen another path of study

  • 他の惑星にいる生命体はどうでしょう?

    I am sure that someday someone will have to find life on another planet, because we have destroyed this world

  • あなたのヒーローは誰ですか?

    My heroes are all honest and respectful people

  • オフは何をしていますか?

    I have no free time, becouse my hobby become my work and I spend all time to make it

  • 人前では絶対に見せない、あなたのもう一つの側面とは何でしょうか?

    all people think that I am strong and tough, in fact I am very emotional and sweet person

  • 自分の作品に十分に満足するのはどんな時ですか?

    I'm never satisfied of my work, becouse I think I can do better

  • 男性と女性の伝統的な役割の正当性を信じていますか?

    Absolutely NO, indeed I believe women have much more capabilities than men, they are objectively more skilled and multitasking.
    I am a convinced feminist, but also critical of many women's attitudes

  • 簡単に友達になることができますか?

    I can also talk to the wall, I'm friendly and sunny

  • どこに住みたいですか?

    In a silent prairie, with animals and wheat fields, where you can only hear the sound of the wind

  • 結婚後に人生は存在すると思いますか?

    of couse. When you get marry you start a new live

  • 犬や猫が好きですか?

    I am in love with animals, of all kinds and species. I'm vegetarian.

  • 嫌いな人物や物はありますか?

    Fake people are the worst.

  • 人生における最高のこと:

    Enjoy it without rancor, remorse and regret

  • 人生で最も厄介なこと:

    the incivility and lack of respect

  • 何か変えたいと思っていることはありますか?

    I would like to live in a city with more civilization and respect for others

  • 自分を変えたいと思っていますか?

    In Naples we call it "cazzimma", I can't translate it, but I would like to have more of it. It means when you are smarter and stronger persons, mybe!

  • この世界の何を変えたいと思いますか?

    I would like people to learn to look at each one of them, that there was more altruism

  • 新米の写真家にコツを教えていただけますか?

    Let you go and enjoy it

  • もし映画の撮影を依頼されたら、どのようなジャンルを撮影しますか?


  • 明日、これをしにいくつもりです...

    tomorrow will be a new day ... God bless it!