Terakhir dilihat 2 hari lepas

Jurufoto Marcin Karpowicz


Terakhir dilihat 2 hari lepas

Calgary, Kanada PRO

9 tahun di MyWed
Saya boleh bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris, poland
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pvD6l9sFGdE2xdEiBBlUnpdkAKXUu2CVMF2YyTxcF3niK4OzeDXHjG-Ljvv-_78IGSMhtNqyWPSG3-v9I-DxSGR6EZTOdb_R9CT1gg Calgary, Kanada Marcin Karpowicz +1 780-292-6003


  • Adakah anda seorang yang fotogenik?

    I don't feel like a photogenic person.

  • Bagaimanakah anda mula menceburkan diri dalam industri fotografi?

    My wife's idea. We photograph the nature, when we were hiking – eventually my wife started to photograph people – finally our friend took us to photograph her wedding in Mexico – and this is how I started my journey with wedding photography.

  • Apakah komponen paling penting sekeping foto yang bagus menurut pendapat anda?

    moment, composition and light. You have to have those three elements in order to have perfect photo.

  • Adakah anda minat mengembara?

    Yes – I love traveling. So far I lived in three different countries and in two different continents. I was born in Poland, lived for 6 years in USA and finally moved to Canada, where I am living today.

  • Apakah yang paling anda sukai mengenai kerjaya anda?

    I am dealing, most of the time, with happiness and love during the day of wedding. I am in constant movement – meeting different people. The life looks like the box of chocolates – you never know what kind of clients you get :)

  • Apakah yang paling anda tidak suka mengenai kerjaya anda?

    Uncertainty of the future bookings.

  • Apakah masa depan fotografi?

    Difficult to say – maybe the future will be screenshot from the video coverage. For sure there will be more and more competitiveness with the guests capturing the moments through their better and better phones and their ability to instantly share those photos on all social media platforms.

  • Apakah yang istimewa dalam genre fotografi yang anda sedang mengkhusus?

    In few hours the photographer needs to capture the story of love between the bride and groom, connection to their friends, and nurture of their parents.

  • Bagaimanakah cara anda menangani kritikan?

    I am handle very well constructive criticism – criticism helps my development of being better photographer.

  • Adakah wujud sebarang trend dalam fotografi?

    There is s trend to show main subjects as a part of broader spectrum. Bride and Groom are not longer dominate the photos but they are the part of the environment. In my opinion there is also strong emphasis on the verbs in the photographs – so there is a lot of action – so we can see strong interaction between two nouns by incorporating the verbs into the photos (like laughing, walking, running, jumping etc)

  • Apakah sepatutnya menjadi kriteria untuk seorang pelanggan memilih jurufoto?

    Three things: portfolio, personality, and of course, budget.

  • Apakah perkara yang patut dielakkan semasa penggambaran?

    I don't see that kind of things.

  • Apakah perincian yang selalunya terlepas tanpa disedari namun boleh disedari oleh seorang jurufoto?

    We all see the same things – the perspective is different.

  • Apakah yang boleh mempengaruhi nilai sekeping foto? Apakah elemen nilai itu?

    Moment, composition and lighting

  • Siapakah individu yang boleh menjadi simbol abad ke-21 menurut pendapat anda?

    Mark Zuckerberg because he make us the slaves of online presence.

  • Siapakah yang mahu anda rakamkan dalam foto?

    I don't have a particular person in mind. I always want to shoot people, who are open and showing the feelings.

  • Adakah anda ada sebarang tabu profesional?

    No – I don't have.

  • Siapakah orang yang anda mahu merakam foto bersamanya?

    I would like to shot with Ivan Troyanovsky

  • Apakah yang merisaukan anda, dan mengapa?

    I am trying to not focus on the future – keep leaving in the presence – therefore I am not worry about anything.

  • Apakah detik paling mengesankan dalam hidup anda?

    Each day is impressive, when I am spending it with my wife.

  • Jika anda ialah karakter dalam kartun, buku atau filem, siapakah yang anda ingin jadi dan kenapa?

    Kung Fu Panda – because everything is possible if you have believe.

  • Siapakah yang menjadi sumber inspirasi hidup anda dan mengapa?

    My wife – because she is most optimistic person I have ever met.

  • Bagaimanakah anda mentakrifkan kejayaan? Bagaimanakah anda mengukurnya?

    The success is very tricky term. success and failure is the same stick. There is no success without the failure and vice versa. Therefore the best is stand in neutral position.

  • Mana satu yang lebih penting bagi anda, disukai atau dihormati?

    I would like to be liked.

  • Apabila anda pergi mengembara, apakah yang anda bawa bersama anda dan mengapa?

    Good book – because during the travel I have actually a time to read.

  • Adakah sesuatu yang anda harap anda tidak pernah beli antara banyak gajet milik anda? Mengapa?

    no there is not

  • Bagaimanakah anda meningkatkan diri untuk merakam gambar yang lebih baik?

    browsing the internet.

  • Hasil kerja siapakah yang paling mempengaruhi anda sebagai jurufoto?

    Emin Kuliyev

  • Apakah yang ingin anda sampaikan melalui foto anda?

    I would like to show the feelings.

  • Apakah yang memotivasikan anda untuk terus mengambil gambar?

    Happy bride and recognition from other photographers.

  • Bukankah ibu bapa anda pada satu tahap patut bertegas?

    I have very easy going parents and I don't want any change.

  • Jika anda boleh kembali ke masa lalu, apakah yang akan ada lakukan dengan cara berbeza?

    I will do exactly everything the same.

  • Bagaimanakah kehidupan di planet lain?

    yes – there is – would love to see it.

  • Siapakah hero anda?

    Krzysztof Wielicki – Polish alpine and high-altitude climber

  • Siapakah orang yang anda tidak hormat kepadanya?

    I respect everybody.

  • Apakah yang anda lakukan pada masa lapang?

    I love to watch good movies.

  • Apakah sisi diri anda yang tidak pernah diketahui umum?

    dark side :)

  • Bilakah anda akan benar-benar berpuas hati dengan kerja anda?

    Far away of being satisfied. A lot of things need to be improved.

  • Adakah anda percaya dengan peranan tradisi bagi lelaki dan perempuan?

    No – I don't believe in that.

  • Adakah anda mudah berkawan?

    Yes I do .

  • Di manakah anda suka untuk tinggal?

    I am torn apart between two countries: Paland where my family lives and where my heart is and Canada – the beautiful country, which give me the opportunity to be a photographer.

  • Apakah perkara paling bodoh pernah anda bersetuju lakukan?

    Crossing the river in the polish mountains in early spring :(

  • Masih adakah kehidupan selepas perkahwinan?

    yes – it is and I am the example of it. I cannot imagine the life without my wife.

  • Anda suka anjing atau kucing?

    I have two cats – I am more cat person.

  • Siapakah atau apakah yang anda tidak suka?

    I don't hate.

  • Perkara terbaik dalam hidup ialah:

    My wife!!

  • Perkara paling menjengkelkan dalam hidup ialah:

    Are narrow minded people.

  • Adakah sesuatu di sekitar anda yang anda ingin ubah?

    I would like to see around more open minded people.

  • Apakah yang anda mahu ubah pada diri sendiri?

    To be more precise in my daily life.

  • Apakah yang anda ingin ubah di dunia ini?

    I would like to distribute the wealth more evenly.

  • Bolehkah anda berikan beberapa petua untuk jurufoto yang baru saja bermula?

    Never give up.

  • Jika makhluk asing datang ke Bumi dan anda ialah orang pertama yang mereka temui, apakah yang akan anda beritahu kepada mereka?

    welcome and I am sorry if you will be disappointed.

  • Jika anda dipanggil untuk penggambaran sebuah filem, apakah yang akan menjadi genrenya?


  • Esok saya akan pergi dan melakukan...

    edit some photos.