
攝影師 Elina Nomade



斯德哥爾摩, 瑞典 

在MyWed 5 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-vHfP2N3CVuo6fozPWXvD6f2-luWnv-Jt72Wx0tUqLaYRAGLx8Llrwud3ULxQ0-etLt8zjeEoolsw6Wmp02qAO2dWHVLLD1LF_YW7w 斯德哥爾摩, 瑞典 Elina Nomade +46 76 254 51 38


  • 您上相嗎?

    Me, myself? No, only for selfies!

  • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

    It matched my approach to photography .- a diary photography style with moments and emotions. But the first, first time was because my friends were sad that their friends who were getting married couldn't hire a photographer, and I was just out fresh graduate hungry for any kind experience in photography, that I came to my first photo wedding as a gift by their friends. They put money together to hire me, but the best part was actually hearing the comments people had after seeing my photos! The happily married couple loved the candid shots as they did not expect me to be there!

  • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

    The sense of artistic taste, have your signature style.

  • 您熱愛旅行嗎?

    My middle name could have been "nomad", that tells a lot, yes, I enjoy it.

  • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    The reason to be on the move (for a reason I am called a nomad) and meeting new people.

  • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    The process between "taking photos of a wedding and delivering pictures". The editing process can be the most difficult for me, because it might not look like it, but I am very self-critical and pedantic when it comes to my art-work/pictures. So, I can end up with already super high standard edited images, but still think they are not done. Otherwise, I really fast with my visual eye notice "ok, this is done", but on some pictures I might work for hours and hours until it gets to the point I think – YESSSSSS. So, this sitting down by computer is the hardest.

  • 您擅長的攝影類型有什麼特別之處?

    Capturing the love in a moment.

  • 您如何應對批評?

    If it's relevant, sure, I will back down with my ego, but if irrelevant, hey, let's be nice?`As Warhol predicted 15 min fame, hope his thought that we all should be nice to each other could also come true.

  • 攝影有什麼潮流?

    They change the same often as H&M seasonal trends.

  • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

    They need to understand what they value the most in photos.

  • 拍攝時應該避免哪些事項?

    Please, don't take out your smartphones to take photos.

  • 通常不會被注意,但攝影師卻能留意的細節有哪些呢?

    The light.

  • 您認為哪個人可以被視為21世紀的代表人物?

    The generation who were born in the 1980s.

  • 您想拍誰?


  • 您有任何職業禁忌嗎?

    Not really, but I am very aware of what kind photography I won't or can't do due to the technical needs. At the moment I focus on portraiture/artistic landscape, so, I don't have lenses for the style of geographic or sports photography. If someone wants nude shoots – sure, yes, after all I graduated from FINE ART photography, and 90% of my classmates have done self-portraiture as nude or people. No problem.

  • 您想和誰一起拍攝?

    The ones I consider as my photography idols.

  • 您會擔心什麼?為什麼?

    During wedding photography, I worry if I also capture enough the standard moments – portraits with the family, the guests.

  • 您人生中印象最深刻的一刻是什麼?

    That feeling when I am in my sense of freedom, on my adventure bike rolling downhill and feeling the fresh summer breeze and realising how f-awesome is freedom.

  • 如果您是個卡通、小說或電影角色,您想成為誰?為什麼?

    From the Moomins the nomad dude who always went away before winter. And Jessica Day from "The new girl".

  • 誰能在生命中激發您的靈感?為什麼?

    Not a single person, I want to impress and inspire myself, yet the most driven I feel from nature (I'm an INFP so its natural for me to be a nature fairy).

  • 您如何定義成功?您會怎麼衡量它?

    In happiness, how happy and satisfied you are with your life. If you have the longing&missing feeling, then you are not doing the right thing.

  • 您是希望被喜愛或是被景仰呢?

    Respected. I don't care to be likeable, but, please, respect me as a human being, as a woman, as a creative entrepreneur.

  • 您在工作上犯過最大的錯誤是什麼?

    Feeling I am not good enough.

  • 當您要去旅行時,您會帶什麼?為什麼?

    With my travel experience, I have learnt the art of travel light. But the must-have is camera body+50mm lense and at least one nice dress. Why? Because to capture the moments I live and I love wearing dresses.

  • 在您擁有的物品中,有任何您希望沒買過的嗎?為什麼?

    No, I have a list of things I need/want, but I am very strict with the photo shopaholic vibe.

  • 您如何學習拍出更好的照片呢?

    You gotta understand your camera technically too, so, after a few months I remind myself this info by watching technical youtube videos. After a while, the knowledge settles in and I start using the same settings, so reminding info is a good way to achieve something new again.

  • 您想用自己的照片說些什麼?


  • 讓您持續拍照的動力是什麼?

    The need of self-expression. I am too lazy to pain, to do art, that's why I turned towards photography.

  • 您的雙親應該更加或是更不嚴厲呢?

    More strict.

  • 如果能回到過去,您會有什麼不同舉動呢?

    Finish my graphic design studies not photography.

  • 您空閒時會做些什麼?

    Connect with nature hobbies.

  • 您的哪一面是公眾不曾看到過的?

    The soft&sensitive side of me. I protect myself with hardcore attitude.

  • 您什麼時候會對自己的作品完全滿意?

    Never really, it's a part of growing better.

  • 您認可男女性的傳統角色嗎?

    Women in the kitchen and men at work? Yes and no. If a man supports his wife not working, being a stay at home mum and letting her to explore her creativity with a hobby, sure, it works, but it's not for everyone. Every woman is different and the same as every couple is different. Everyone should find their own balance than worry about what is the standard in society.

  • 您容易交到朋友嗎?

    if I want to yes.

  • 您希望在哪裡生活?

    Somewhere down under there across the globe from Europe.

  • 您曾同意嘗試過最愚蠢的事是什麼?

    Too many.

  • 結婚後還有人生嗎?

    Isn't life starting after marriage as a new beginning?

  • 您有最愛的笑話嗎?請告訴我們。

    If I tell it now, it wouldn't be funny anymore.

  • 您喜歡狗還是貓?

    I love both, but I am often a dog sitter, too. Which means my countryside friends leave for their vacations to South, I stay at their beautiful homes getting all the cuddles from their wonderful dogs. I would want to have both, I grow up with cats and dogs:) at home.

  • 人生中最棒的事是:

    FOOD and sunrises.

  • 人生中最煩人的事是:

    Cold summers.

  • 如果您被邀請去拍攝電影,那會是什麼類型的電影呢?

    Documentary travel movie about a solo traveller.

  • 明天我會去做...

    Often that means... cycling into the countryside.