
摄影师Theo Manusaride



海牙, 荷兰 PRO

在MyWed上10 年
我会说英语, 羅馬尼亞語, 荷蘭語
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/8s1zvdEl9oLGPcqW90JzB2uJ_o-3KrZfp9Pgg4VtljpuAr0YtF9vNakS7DML_YGj1Gm9w6tyakfKYv9AHLTLHh0qUziJEY28kMH23w 海牙, 荷兰 Theo Manusaride +31 6 57533490


  • 您是如何进入摄影行业的?

    I've been passionate about photography for as long as I can remember and I photographed at a friend's wedding for fun, alongside the official photographer and loved it. The couple also loved the pictures and that's how I got into weddings.

  • 在您看来,一张好的照片最重要的组成部分有哪些?

    The right moment, lighting and composition.

  • 您热爱旅行吗?

    I love to travel, that's my highest goal in life, to see the world.

  • 对于您的职业,您最喜欢什么地方?

    I love meeting couples and families and being able to make them happy with my work by creating meaningful memories for them.

  • 对于您的职业,您最不喜欢什么地方?

    The long hours and working weekends thus missing time with friends.

  • 摄影有什么趋势?

    Yes, the trend is natural, relaxed and discreet moments and creative portraits.

  • 客户选择摄影师时应该遵循什么标准?

    First of all they should see themselves in his photographs but after that they should see themselves befriending him.

  • 什么影响照片的价值?它的元素有哪些?

    A photo is more valuable if the moment can't be recreated. When you loose a family member being able to see photos of him hugging you and being happy at your wedding will become priceless.