Thanh Duc Nguyen ducs7ven

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Wedding photographer Thanh Duc Nguyen (ducs7ven). Photo of 7 February
Wedding photographer Thanh Duc Nguyen (ducs7ven). Photo of 7 February
Wedding photographer Thanh Duc Nguyen (ducs7ven). Photo of 7 February
Wedding photographer Thanh Duc Nguyen (ducs7ven). Photo of 7 February
Wedding photographer Thanh Duc Nguyen (ducs7ven). Photo of 7 February
Wedding photographer Thanh Duc Nguyen (ducs7ven). Photo of 7 February
Wedding photographer Thanh Duc Nguyen (ducs7ven). Photo of 7 February
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Ceremony in PHANTHIET

I read that somewhere
-There is a very good saying: "If you get bored with each other and choose to give up, then even if you love a hundred people, it won't work." If it's love, we have to understand each other, recognize our own mistakes and make amends for each other.
New feelings, not finding old feelings with new people. It's about being with current people, appreciating each other more, and experiencing new things together.

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