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Fotografo Giuseppe De Angelis


Ultimo accesso 2 giorni fa

Latina, Italia PRO

My photographic journey began 14 years ago. I lived the transition from analog to digital, between old 35mm Ilford films and memory cards. I studied Reportage Photography at the IIF in Milan. Today, photography has become an essential part of my life.

Da 7 anni su MyWed
Parlo italiano, inglese
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CuT1EUUGKJLrTbIjhuLtl-AvyOTUTFHhokFFioN7MvsoXzelXjwyIFKAyIxxXxzHW-medlOPUwNt-BYJottlveSoopH5N8FzzHrDAxo Latina, Italia Giuseppe De Angelis +39 334 987 1159
Servizio di matrimonio: 250 EUR l'ora minimo 4 ore