Fotógrafo de bodas Angelo Latina (fotographare). Foto del 16 de mayo 2017
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Fotógrafo de bodas Angelo Latina (fotographare). Foto del 16 de mayo 2017
Fotógrafo de bodas Angelo Latina (fotographare). Foto del 16 de mayo 2017
Fotógrafo de bodas Angelo Latina (fotographare). Foto del 16 de mayo 2017
Fotógrafo de bodas Angelo Latina (fotographare). Foto del 16 de mayo 2017
Fotógrafo de bodas Angelo Latina (fotographare). Foto del 16 de mayo 2017
Fotógrafo de bodas Angelo Latina (fotographare). Foto del 16 de mayo 2017
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JessYStevie #Australiancouple in #SicilianLove. RealWedding

The island, the Taormina garden, Jess and StevieJ and their mad love. An Australian couple chooses Sicily to exchange the “I Do”, immersed in the villa of Lady Florence Trevelyan.
"Really love, those who tremble to say that love." (Ph. Sidney)
July afternoon, a colorful Sicilian brush painting for Jess and StevieJ. Under the building built in the past by the eccentric cousin of Queen Victoria, they exchanged long for wedding rings. All very romantic, Jess, brides, a strictly white dress of silk and very simple hid his body. An elegant lace hugged her shoulders and back and it’s triggering even more the suave and graceful figure of the bride. StevieJ very emotional. Tears have emphasized the love and especially the dream of marrying Jess. He very simple, trousers and white shirt. An intimate story and without distraction, Him, Her and the Sicilian show. The sunset lights up, showing a veiled Taormina and harmonic colors, from sea blue to blue evening through all the natural cromie of the sky and the mountains. The romantic dinner, husband and wife, with views of the Mediterranean Sea.

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