Fotógrafo de casamento Valentina Pellitteri (juna). Foto de 12 de junho 2022
Fotógrafo de casamento Valentina Pellitteri (juna). Foto de 12 de junho 2022
Fotógrafo de casamento Valentina Pellitteri (juna). Foto de 12 de junho 2022
Fotógrafo de casamento Valentina Pellitteri (juna). Foto de 12 de junho 2022
Fotógrafo de casamento Valentina Pellitteri (juna). Foto de 12 de junho 2022
Fotógrafo de casamento Valentina Pellitteri (juna). Foto de 12 de junho 2022
Fotógrafo de casamento Valentina Pellitteri (juna). Foto de 12 de junho 2022
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Authentic engagement photos

Keep calm and be yourselfWhen a couple shoots with me for the first time there is always a lot of emotion. They chose me and saw all my galleries, they know my way of being, they know I will treat them well. The premises are therefore good, but they wonder if “they” will be able to get photographed well. I understand this state of mind very well. They suffer from so-called “photo performance anxiety”; the more shy you are and unccustomed to being in front of the lens, the more accentuated this anxiety is. That’s why my initial cares are all aimed at the emotional relaxation of my subjects. This first step is everything.Authentic photosI call my photos “authentic”. But be careful! By “authentic” I don’t mean “trueous” but I’m referring to their inclination to express and not to resemble. They want to express in an honest (and therefore authentic) way what intervenes as a movement of the heart between me and my subjects. The energies I feel are those that absorb them and that return to me in the form of smiles, looks, gestures. Their body will take on a soft, gentle, natural and harmonious language. There will be no rigid pieces of wood in front of me.. but floating souls full of love.Why is Juna special?Because I worry about how you feel. Of what you feel. It is not your outward appearance that I am interested in. But of those impalpable emotional waves that you keep inside. I take care of it. This is perceived immediately and allows people to relax; One of the things I am told most frequently and that makes me happiest is “with Vale we are really easy.”

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