Fotógrafo de casamento Georgi Georgiev (george77). Foto de 15 de setembro 2023
Fotógrafo de casamento Georgi Georgiev (george77). Foto de 15 de setembro 2023
Fotógrafo de casamento Georgi Georgiev (george77). Foto de 15 de setembro 2023
Fotógrafo de casamento Georgi Georgiev (george77). Foto de 15 de setembro 2023
Fotógrafo de casamento Georgi Georgiev (george77). Foto de 15 de setembro 2023
Fotógrafo de casamento Georgi Georgiev (george77). Foto de 15 de setembro 2023
Fotógrafo de casamento Georgi Georgiev (george77). Foto de 15 de setembro 2023
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Love Under the Rain: The Unforgettable Wedding Day of Krista and Kevin

I have the honor and pleasure to share the wedding story of two unique souls – Krista and Kevin. Their moments of sunny tenderness and endless mutual love are beautiful and inspiring. As a wedding photographer, I had the opportunity to capture all these emotions and moments from their special day, which took place at Black Sea Rama.The weather didn't dampen their spirits. Despite the rain nearly throughout the entire wedding day, they were happy to be together. This happiness was reflected in everything around them. Every smile, every glance was filled with warmth and faith in their shared future.This day was more than just a wedding. It was a wedding moment when two souls decided to share their love in front of all their guests. So much tenderness in one place and one great love – that's what I want to show you.Chris and Kevin are a wonderful couple who deserve to be happy. Their wedding day was filled with love, joy, and hope. Let their story be an inspiration to all of us that even in the most unexpected moments, love can overcome everything.

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