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Fotograf Alex Florin


Ultima dată online acum 1 săptămână

Thasos, Grecia 

Smiles, emotion, moments, tears of happiness transmitted in a photo. It is not a job, nor a hobby, but part of me..

De 6 ani pe MyWed
Pot să vorbesc română, engleză, italiană
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/3K7eoOtbi9DbpYRlhDfaQSXoVAVaGmTlLMJsxb5wLujC63Q5Oiw_Xjxv89lTp0nouv4mZZKQFxTEHuUozQJvZpJyKXoz9o5Q-fF37Q Thasos, Grecia Alex Florin +40 721 458 987
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