婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片
婚禮攝影師Tanya Starling(tanyastarling)。2022 2月6日的照片

Intimate and elegant elopement in Paris

How more romantic can be the moment for the loving two when they escape for an intimate elopement in Paris? Strolls across the most iconic sights, subtle touches, a private celebration in a boutique hotel in Montparnasse with a stunning balcony view. Frederique and Shaxie got it all. This timeless memory is certainly for their long life to remember.We brought a delicate bouquet of the white lilies from Helsinki and a designer dress tailored for the bride from Saint-Petersburg. She wore some of her family jewelleries. I can't love this session more. We had a lot of fun, laugh and the couple was carried away with their private moments, so much passion and tenderness between them.Would you dream of such an intimate elegant escape for yourself?
