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  • Toni Perec Varna, Bulgārija
    • Kādi ir kritēriji, kas klientam jāņem vērā, izvēloties fotogrāfu?

      They should like: the photographer's seeing and feeling.

    • Kā tu nokļuvi fotogrāfijas jomā?

      I started working in a large and famous photostudio which worked mainly with photoshooting weddings and other events. When I shot my first wedding I realized that this is an event that includes all aspects of photography – portrait, landscape, reportage, macro and I fеll in love in wedding photography.

    • Vai Tu esi fotogēnisks?

      Yes, I think so :)

    • Kuri, Tavuprāt, ir svarīgākie labas fotogrāfijas elementi?

      The most important component in e a good photo are the emotion, the feeling.

    • Vai Tu mīli ceļošanu?

      I love to travel.

    • Kas Tev vislabāk patīk savā profesijā?

      That I'm around the people in their most emotional moments, diversity, dynamism, movement.

    • Kas Tavā profesijā Tev patīk vismazāk?

      Physical fatigue.

    • Kā Tu uztver kritiku?

      I accept them for now. :)

    • Kāda būs fotogrāfijas nākotne?

      I want the future to surprise me :)

    • Kas ietekmē fotogrāfijas vērtību? Kādi ir tās elementi?

      The emotion that is captured is most important.

    • Kas ir īpašs fotogrāfijas žanrā, kurā specializējies?

      The spontaneity.

    Nikon D750
  • Frances Morency Toronto, Kanāda
    • Kādi ir kritēriji, kas klientam jāņem vērā, izvēloties fotogrāfu?

      style and experience

    • Kā tu nokļuvi fotogrāfijas jomā?

      I always had a camera with me and can't help but take pictures......so weddings came naturally.

    • Vai Tu esi fotogēnisks?

      not in the slightest!!

    • Kuri, Tavuprāt, ir svarīgākie labas fotogrāfijas elementi?

      emotion and great light

    • Vai Tu mīli ceļošanu?

      absolutely!......my 2 fav things are travel and photography

    • Kas Tev vislabāk patīk savā profesijā?

      the way it changes at every moment.......it's never the same day twice.

    • Kā Tu uztver kritiku?

      not well, but try to roll with the punches.

    • No kā fotogrāfējot būtu jāizvairās?

      my team is not allowed to look at their phones during the wedding.

    • Vai fotogrāfijā ir kādas īpašas tendences?

      yes.... too many.

    • Kas ir tā lieta, ko Tu būtu gribējis zināt pirms sāki nodarboties ar fotogrāfēšanu?

      The business side of running a studio

    Nikon D700
  • Melinda Guerini Budapešta, Ungārija
    • Kādi būtu Tavi padomi jaunajiem fotogrāfiem?

      Study, practice, be humble, open to the world!

    • Kā tu nokļuvi fotogrāfijas jomā?

      Probably in the same way of most of us: a friend asked me to shoot her wedding, then, since I had already a big passion about photography, after I saw that I enjoyed a lot to capture real moments, I decided-well actually together with my husband Graziano Guerini- to follow that path (step by step).

    • Vai Tu esi fotogēnisks?

      sure ;)

    • Kuri, Tavuprāt, ir svarīgākie labas fotogrāfijas elementi?

      I think there is not an exact answer, everyone likes a photo because of many reasons, also personal reasons given by personal taste.
      Personally, using of course a good technique, I aim to capture always the emotions, the real moments, that's what really matters in a perfect service in my opinion.
      And in the Creative Sessions I aim to create beautiful photos, so I take care of the esthetique by following my personal sense of taste, but always trying to give some emotions to the viewers.
      Also controlling lights and shadows is very important, often essential.

    • Kas Tev vislabāk patīk savā profesijā?

      Shooting weddings in different countries, with different traditions, it's very interesting, and we often work between Italy, Austria and Hungary, but not only.
      And this job allows me to meet new people, of course, and this is also a beautiful side of being a wedding photographer.
      And being able to give to these people memories they will be joyful to watch in the future, well, that makes me proud.

    • Kā Tu uztver kritiku?

      I'm always studying, always trying new things, and always following photographers whose works I love, and I'm always ready to learn from them.
      There is always to learn something new, and there is always someone who can teach me something. So, I usually accept critics if well motivated :)

    • Kas Tev patīk labāk - kaķi vai suņi?


    • Ko Tu gribētu mainīt sevī?

      worry less

    Nikon D750