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  • Tee Tran Houston, Förenta staterna
    • Vad bör kriterierna vara för en kund som ska välja en fotograf?

      1. Style (what makes them special)
      2. Personality (are they fun and friendly)
      3. Value (are they fair and offer great products and services)

    • Hur började du inom fotografi?

      My background in Marketing and Advertising help me understand the power of story-telling. I was an amateur photographer and it was a simple hobby until I decided to take several photos during one of my friends' wedding. He ended up loving my photos more than the wedding photographer's and encouraged me to create a website. The rest is history.

    • Är du fotogenisk?

      My beautiful wife Bao Han is much more photogenic than I will ever be.

    • Vilka är enligt dig de viktigaste komponenterna för ett bra fotografi?

      1. Authenticity
      2. Timing
      3. Story-telling
      4. Symmetry and framing
      5. Light source

    • Älskar du att resa?

      I have been fortunate to have travelled all over the world, learning about new cultures and its people.

    • Vad gillar du mest med ditt yrke?

      Making people feel special about themselves is the biggest reward. We want our clients to feel like stars because they are stars. We just help them get it out of them.

    • Vad gillar du minst med ditt yrke?

      When you love what you do, it's not a job anymore. We love every minute of what we do.

    • Hur hanterar du kritik?

      Life is constantly about learning. We learn every day, whether it's from a personal or professional point of view. We welcome constructive criticism that will help us grow as a company and as human beings.

    • Vad är absolut inte tillåtet under fotograferingen?

      Anything goes, even though the crazy uncle with his iPad drives us crazy at times!

    • Hur kommer framtiden för fotografering att se ut?

      I want to believe that wedding photographers are in a great position to lead and manage the whole wedding day in the near future. They need to have a solid grasp of every event that will occur on that day and plan accordingly.

    • Vad är det speciella med den fotografigenre du specialiserar i?

      We are so fortunate to play a role in the union of two people that love each other and want to broadcast this to the world. We have the responsibility to capture these unique moments and offer them something they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

    Nikon D810
  • Josh Jones Greenville, Förenta staterna
    • Vems arbete har haft störst inflytande över dig som fotograf?

      Susan Stripling.

    • Hur började du inom fotografi?

      In 2004 I got a digital camera for Christmas, back when digital cameras weren't attached to every device. I was facinated with how you could freeze time, and then view the past later. I couldn't set it down. A few years later I shot my first wedding, fell in love with it and 10 years later have shot over 200.

    • Är du fotogenisk?

      Sometimes... If I've gotten enough sleep and have a glass of wine or two

    • Vilka är enligt dig de viktigaste komponenterna för ett bra fotografi?

      A moment. For sure. If it doesn't have this it's not worth remembering. After that, certainly lighting and composition go a long way.

    • Älskar du att resa?

      Absolutely. We have traveled all over the world taking photos!

    • Vad gillar du mest med ditt yrke?

      I love that every weekend I get to be a huge part of someone's "most important day of their life."

    • Vad gillar du minst med ditt yrke?

      Crazy church ladies that force me to shoot from 100 feet away in the balcony during the ceremony.

    • Hur hanterar du kritik?

      I love it. As long as it is constructive it is one of the biggest gifts you can give to me.

    • Hur kommer framtiden för fotografering att se ut?

      More and more instant gratification. A one month turn around average for a wedding will turn into a day.

    • Vad oroar du dig över och varför?

      I've found that the energy I've wasted in the past on worrying about things was better spent on just doing what I was supposed anyway. No regrets. No fear.

    • Vad är det speciella med den fotografigenre du specialiserar i?

      The father of the bride that has never cried in public before. The look on the groom's face when he sees his bride for the first time. The uncle that doesn't normally drink is dancing up a storm on the dance floor.

    Nikon D750
  • Miguel Beltran Heroica Veracruz, Mexiko
    • Vad bör kriterierna vara för en kund som ska välja en fotograf?

      1 Connection with the photographer 2 Quality 3 price

    • Hur började du inom fotografi?

      By accident, I was first a commercial photographer, a friend of mine told me he needed a second shooter so I did. The very first click got me and now I'm a full time Wedding photographer and loving it.

    • Är du fotogenisk?

      Sure I'm or at least I think I'm, if you feel it you have it.

    • Vilka är enligt dig de viktigaste komponenterna för ett bra fotografi?

      Soul, Light and Emotion.

    • Älskar du att resa?

      If I could wake up in a different city every day that would be awesome.

    • Vad gillar du mest med ditt yrke?

      The people, I love chatting with them and make them laugh.

    • Vad gillar du minst med ditt yrke?

      Make a selection for a small story in my blog.

    • Hur hanterar du kritik?

      Great, is good to hear opinions but everyone has a different style.

    • Vad är absolut inte tillåtet under fotograferingen?

      You will never see me being intrusive I love to be close but I know how and when.

    • Vad är det speciella med den fotografigenre du specialiserar i?

      Families are everything they are the medular issue in my photography I always try to involve everyone, love to see them smile, watch the though strong man dropping tears, a mother hugging her daughter stronger than ever.

    • Finns det några trender inom fotografering?

      Film look and filters but I try to avoid them. I not saying that I don`t use them.

    Nikon D3s