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2 416
nhiếp ảnh gia đang trực tuyến
cô dâu đang trực tuyến
  • Marius Godeanu Craiova, Romania
    • Trước tiên - ai là người bạn cho là tốt nhất nhiếp ảnh gia trong Craiova? :)

      Well, it all depends on who you ask.
      What is the best car in the world ? Everyone just sees things differently and especially in photography which is an art in itself, where everything is subjective, ask 10 people this question and probably you will get 11 different answers ! :)

    • Khách hàng nên có tiêu chí nào để lựa chọn nhiếp ảnh gia?

      If there is one thing I always encourage newlyweds to do when looking for a wedding photographer is to pay very good attention to the portfolios and see which style would suit them and most importantly when meeting a wedding photographer – have him show a full wedding coverage and not get "fooled" by the best 2-3 photos everyone uploads online.

    • Bạn bước chân vào nghề chụp ảnh như thế nào?

      It was back in 2007 I think ... photography was already a hobby for me and as I already had a "decent" DSLR kit ( by those times' standards ) a friend of mine ( who was a videographer ) asked me to go with him and shoot some christenings. I was scared as hell thinking I have a huge responsibility but everything went well and then I moved to weddings, still shooting for him as I didn't have any portfolio. The next year I started going solo and ... 10 years later here we are.

    • Bạn có ăn ảnh không?

      Never :)

    • Theo ý kiến của bạn, những thành phần nào là quan trọng nhất của một bức ảnh đẹp?

      Besides the basic technical stuff – composition and message/feeling are by far the key elements of an attractive wedding photograph.

    • Bạn có yêu thích du lịch không?

      Sure, who doesn't ?
      Although I shot quite a few after wedding session abroad with just the bride and groom, I would love to be able to shoot a full destination wedding sometime.

    • Điều bạn thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

      Happiness in the client's eyes when they look at their wedding photos for the first time.

    • Điều bạn không thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

      Hmm tough one...
      If I'd had to choose, it would probably the fact that I have to refuse some clients that reeeeealy want me as their wedding photographer, because I already booked their wedding date for someone else.

    • Thái độ của bạn trước những lời phê bình như thế nào?

      I embrace it – it's the only way we move up the ladder.

    • Tương lai của nghề chụp ảnh sẽ như thế nào?

      Probably not much would change – no matter how advanced the cameras will get. A strong and great wedding image from the 50s is still great today so I can only image – the things that bring value to an image will stay constant over time.

    • Cần tránh những điều gì khi chụp ảnh?

      Photography is an art – no doubt about that and I find it unacceptable for a client to give the photographer exact and strict examples of they want their wedding images to look like, by bringing photos from other photographers around the world and setting stirct guidelines and boundaries regarding their own images. A photographer should be hired if you liked his own style, not to reproduce someone else's work.

    Nikon D3X
  • Alexander Zitser Minneapolis, Hoa Kỳ
    • Trước tiên - ai là người bạn cho là tốt nhất nhiếp ảnh gia trong Minneapolis? :)

      The one whose camera sees the world differently than the human eye. And the ability to make a photograph more powerful than what the viewer sees.

    • Bạn bước chân vào nghề chụp ảnh như thế nào?

      I love being a wedding photographer, because it is an art, based on emotions and feelings of people, who value beauty and love.

    • Bạn có ăn ảnh không?

      Yes, I do.

    • Theo ý kiến của bạn, những thành phần nào là quan trọng nhất của một bức ảnh đẹp?

      Photography is the art of frozen time ... the ability to store emotions and feelings within the frame.

    • Bạn có yêu thích du lịch không?


    • Điều bạn thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

      The good result.

    • Điều bạn không thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?


    • Thái độ của bạn trước những lời phê bình như thế nào?

      Everyone has the right to their opinion.

    Nikon D780
  • Melinda Guerini Bu-đa-pét, Hungary
    • Bạn có thể đưa ra vài lời khuyên cho các nhiếp ảnh gia vừa mới bắt đầu không?

      Study, practice, be humble, open to the world!

    • Bạn bước chân vào nghề chụp ảnh như thế nào?

      Probably in the same way of most of us: a friend asked me to shoot her wedding, then, since I had already a big passion about photography, after I saw that I enjoyed a lot to capture real moments, I decided-well actually together with my husband Graziano Guerini- to follow that path (step by step).

    • Bạn có ăn ảnh không?

      sure ;)

    • Theo ý kiến của bạn, những thành phần nào là quan trọng nhất của một bức ảnh đẹp?

      I think there is not an exact answer, everyone likes a photo because of many reasons, also personal reasons given by personal taste.
      Personally, using of course a good technique, I aim to capture always the emotions, the real moments, that's what really matters in a perfect service in my opinion.
      And in the Creative Sessions I aim to create beautiful photos, so I take care of the esthetique by following my personal sense of taste, but always trying to give some emotions to the viewers.
      Also controlling lights and shadows is very important, often essential.

    • Điều bạn thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

      Shooting weddings in different countries, with different traditions, it's very interesting, and we often work between Italy, Austria and Hungary, but not only.
      And this job allows me to meet new people, of course, and this is also a beautiful side of being a wedding photographer.
      And being able to give to these people memories they will be joyful to watch in the future, well, that makes me proud.

    • Thái độ của bạn trước những lời phê bình như thế nào?

      I'm always studying, always trying new things, and always following photographers whose works I love, and I'm always ready to learn from them.
      There is always to learn something new, and there is always someone who can teach me something. So, I usually accept critics if well motivated :)

    • Bạn thích chó hay mèo?


    • Bạn muốn thay đổi điều gì trong bản thân mình?

      worry less

    Nikon D750